Generate a new card
Please note that if you got linked to this page as your goal, you are not allowed to use a different card.
Normal Card Short Card Long Card
Ōkami Bingo Rules
- Timing starts from selecting "New Game" from the title screen.
- If racing against players on older consoles, skipping cutscenes is not allowed.
- If racing against players on newer consoles, using skips/glitches that are patched on newer consoles is not allowed.
- All loading screen minigames are required to be disabled, any use of loading screen minigames will result in disqualification.
Ōkami Bingo by Lyriati and rekyuu.
SRT Bingo v1 by Nmaster64 based on SRL Bingo v5 by Cosmo.
TL-BR | COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4 | COL5 |
ROW1 | |||||
ROW2 | |||||
ROW3 | |||||
ROW4 | |||||
ROW5 | |||||